Water-treatment As Used By Currie Reuss Hesse Schoenlein &c
Hydriatic Treatment Of Scarlet Fever In Its Different Forms
Beside the above modes of treatment _cold_ and _tepid Water_ has been
extensively used and recommended by reliable authorities. Currie,
Pierce, Gregory, Bateman, von Wedekind, Kolbany, Torrence,
Reuss, von Froehlichsthal, and others, have treated their
scarlet-patients with _cold affusions_. Henke, Raimann, Froehlich,
Hesse, Steimmig, Gregory, Jr., Schoenlein, Fuchs, and others,
have not ventured beyond _cool_ and _tep
d ablutions_. The former,
although the general result has been very satisfactory, have proved
dangerous in some cases; and the latter, though safer in general, have
not been efficient in many others. The use of water, though safer than
other remedies, has never become general, _owing to the unsystematic,
unsafe, or inefficient forms of its application_.
Fear and prejudice--fed by the great mass of physicians, who generally
take too much care of their reputation to expose it in the use of a
remedy the effects of which are so easily understood by every one--have
also been obstacles to its promulgation; and the exaggerations of some
of its advocates in modern times, bearing for a great part the
characteristics of charlatanism, have scared many who might have become
converts to Priessnitz's method, to whose genius and good luck we are
indebted for the most important, most harmless, and at the same time the
most efficient and most reliable discovery, viz.: