Acidity Of The Stomach
Papers On Health
Often caused by unwholesome food, bad or
deficient teeth, or by too rapid eating. Where these causes exist, they
should be first removed. Eat slowly, and not too much at a time, and
see that only well-cooked, easily digested food be taken. Pastry,
sweets and carbonaceous foods in general should not be taken alone at
the same meal, they should always accompany some form of proteid food.
If, however, pain in stomach is f
und after meal it will be found that
milk can be substituted with comfort. (See Diet). (See Food in
Health). If this does not cure, do not take soda as a remedy. Although
soda neutralises the sourness, it produces other effects, and tends to
cause disease of the stomach. A wineglassful of hot water, with a
teaspoonful of white vinegar in it, is the best cure. Although this is
itself acid, it acts so as to remove the cause of the sourness in the
stomach, and is most beneficial otherwise. It is still better to take a
tablespoonful of this hot water and vinegar every five minutes for an
hour daily before dinner. Instead of the vinegar, a slice of lemon may
be put in the hot water. This will act more efficiently in some cases.
In other cases a teaspoonful of Glauber's Salts, taken in a large
tumblerful of hot water, half-an-hour before breakfast, for a few
weeks, will relieve almost entirely.
Readers must note not to use both the salts and vinegar drink at
once. They are intended to cure different sorts of stomach acidity,
caused differently.
Look also well to the warming of COLD FEET (see), and see that the
whole skin be cleansed daily with soap lather (see Lather and Soap)
and stimulated with olive-oil rubbing.