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Acetanilide (also Acetanilid)
White crystalline compound, C6H5NH(COCH3), formerly used to relieve pain
and reduce fever. It has been replaced because of toxicity.
1. Pneumonia, Herb Tea and Poultice for
"Congestion of the lungs. One ounce of each of the following, slippery elm bark, crushed thyme, coltsfoot flowers, hyssop or marshmallow. Simmer in two quarts of water down to three pints; strain and add one teaspoonful of cayenne. Dose:--Wineglassful ...
2. The Epithelial Cancer (Carcinoma)
These always spring from free epithelium-clad surfaces, as the skin, and mucous membranes or from the glands of the same. These growths appear with great frequency at the points of junction of mucous membranes and skin surfaces, probably because these ...
A Broken Jaw
Take a strong piece of muslin, long enough to reach around the neck and eight inches longer. Split this through the center to within about seven inches of the center of the band. Put this unsplit part above, over and under the chin. Tie the upper tails ...
A lotion Dr. Leonard recommends for the hair, especially where it is coming out calls for two drams tincture cantharides, half an ounce nux vomica, one dram tincture capsicum, one and a half ounces castor oil, and two ounces of cologne. Apply with a bit...
A MOTHERS' REMEDY for Stiff Neck
Hot Salt and Oil of Sassafras. "If troubled with stiff neck, fill a bag with hot salt and sleep on it, or rub the neck with oil of sassafras which, by the way, is also excellent for lumbago and to scatter, not cure, rheumatism pains." ...
Set a bowl in a basin of hot water over the fire. In it put a quarter of an ounce of white wax and two and a half ounces of spermaceti, and the same quantity of oil of sweet almonds. When melted and hot, add a pinch of borax and an ounce and a half of r...
Abdominal changes
There is a slight flattening of the lower abdomen at the second month, due to the sinking of the womb. There is also a slight retraction (drawing back) of the navel. After the third month, when the womb begins to ascend out of the pelvis, a progressive ...
Abdominal Massage. (Kneading, Rubbing, etc.)
This is an essential feature in the treatment. It was practiced by Hippocrates hundreds of years ago. Place the patient in the recumbent position upon a table which can be so manipulated that the head may be raised or lowered, the body rolled from side...
Abortion, Miscarriage, Premature Labor. (Accidents of pregnancy)
These three terms indicate a premature expulsion of the products of conception. Let us medically define these terms as follows; Abortion implies expulsion of the foetus before the sixteenth week. Miscarriage, the expulsion between the sixteenth and twe...
An accumulation of pus (matter) in any part of the body. External Abscess. Boil the knife, wash your hands in clean, hot, soapy water. Wash the abscess and surrounding parts in hot water and good soap, and rinse off with alcohol, a salt solution, or l...
ABSCESS OF THE LIVER. Hepatic Abscess: Suppurative Hepatitis
This is a circumscribed collection of pus in the liver tissue. If there is only one abscess it is in the larger lobe in seventy per cent of the cases. The amount of fluid contained in such an abscess may be two or three quarts and its color varies from...
Lobular pneumonia from abscesses in pyemia, from septic pleurisy, etc. Symptoms. Fever, pain, difficult breathing, cough, and expectoration containing or consisting of pus of offensive odor, etc. ...
Acetanilide (also Acetanilid)
White crystalline compound, C6H5NH(COCH3), formerly used to relieve pain and reduce fever. It has been replaced because of toxicity. ...
Sepia 6X trit. (tablet form). When caused by menstruation in dark haired women. Pulsatilla 3X dil. For blondes, and when caused by rich foods. ...
ACNE. (Simple Acne)
This is an inflammation of the sebaceous (fatty, cheesy) glands. It forms these pimples or pustules and these are intermingled with black-heads (comedones), flesh-worms. They vary from a pin-head to a split-pea in size, and are of a bright or dark red c...
Various, usually poisonous perennial herbs of the genus Aconitum, having tuberous roots, palmately lobed leaves, blue or white flowers with large hoodlike upper sepals, and an aggregate of follicles. The dried leaves and roots of these plants ...
ACONITE. Symptoms
Sudden collapse; slow, feeble, irregular pulse, and breathing; tickling in the mouth and the extremities, giddiness, great muscular weakness; pupils generally dilated, may be contracted; mind is clear. Antidotes: Solution of tannic acid, twenty drops...
Actinomycosis (lumpy Jaw)
Inflammatory disease of cattle, hogs, and sometimes humans, caused by actinomyces; causes lumpy tumors of the mouth, neck, chest, and abdomen. ...
ACUTE BRIGHT'S DISEASE. (Acute Inflammation of the Kidneys)
This occurs chiefly in young people and among grown men. Exciting causes are exposure to cold, wet, burns, extensive skin tears (lesions), scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid fever, measles and acute tuberculosis, poisons; and pregnancy is one cause when...
Definition. This is an acute inflammation of the mucous membranes under the eyelids, and there is congestion (too much blood), swelling and a discharge of mucus and pus. Causes. Exposure to wind, dust, smoke, or irritating foreign substance, cinder, ...
Causes. Acute coryza, acute pharyngitis, influenza, scarlet fever, inflammation of the eustachian tube, gargling, bathing, employing the nasal douche or violently blowing the nose. Inflammation of the eustachian tube is, in many cases, simply the fir...
This occurs at the beginning of acute nephritis; in acute infectious diseases, after taking turpentine, chlorate of potash, cantharides, carbolic acid, alcohol, etc.; after one kidney has been removed. Kidney. The kidney is enlarged, dark red, while ...
(Acute Indigestion, Acute Gastritis). "Gaster" is the Greek for stomach; "itis" means inflammation,--thus acute inflammation of the stomach. It may be acute or chronic. When acute it may be called acute gastritis, acute gastric catarrh, acute dyspepsia ...
ACUTE GENERAL PERITONITIS. (Inflammation of the Peritoneum)
Causes. Primary; Occurs without any known preceding disease, and is rare. Secondary; Occurs from injuries, extension from inflamed nearby organs, such as appendicitis or infection from bacteria, without any apparent lesion (disease of the bowel). Perf...