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Diseases Of Females
Is applicable to inflamed eyes, in the early stage, where the disease is in the conjunctiva, (that portion which lines the lids and covers the front of the ball), especially if there is a sense of scratching, as though some foreign substance is in t...
acts favorably on cancers, and is a specific when applied to the surface of _carbuncle_. ...
has great power as a local remedy in _Erysipelas_, to be applied with water in proportion of ten drops of the _tr._ to a gill of warm water. It is also of much value applied to the surface of inflamed breasts; also injected when there is inflammatio...
is applied to wounds, _incised_ and _lacerated_, promoting healing by the first intention. It is a valuable application for wounds in scrofulous persons, which tend to suppurate rather than heal by the first intention. It is also useful in old sores...
is valuable as a _palliative_ upon cancerous tumors. As a _curative remedy_ it is useful in chronic ophthalmia, especially the purulent of children; useful also for _indurated_ swellings. ...
Cornus Sericea
will often cure malignant ulcers both of the breast and uterus, used as a wash. ...
Cuprum Aceticum
(_Acetate of Copper Verdigris_) applied to _Cancerous_ ulcers of the face, _Lupus_ or _Noli-me-tangere_, in the early stage, will in most cases effect a perfect cure, especially if for a week previously the part has been wet daily with _tr. Thuja_. ...
Dysmenorrhoea - Painful Menstruation
For this disorder, I know of no one remedy so valuable as the _Caulophyllin_, but _Pulsatilla_ in many cases is efficacious, and as they do not prevent each other's action, I prescribe them in alternation, giving a dose every half hour, for a short ...
Felon - Whitlow
For this disease, in the early stage, when the sensation is that of sharp, sticking pain, feeling as though a brier or thistle was in the finger, immerse the part in water as hot as possible, into which put common salt as long as it will dissolve; h...
Hepar Sulphur
is a specific for _Itch and Scald Head,_ applied in form of a wash with twenty to thirty drops of _tr. Hepar Sul._ to a gill of water. Also for ill-conditioned scrofulous ulcers, generally. ...
acts very beneficially when applied to the surface where there is high fever, with nausea and vomiting. Half an ounce of _tr._ Ipecac to two quarts of tepid water, applied with a sponge to the whole surface, acts like magic in yellow fever, allaying...
Leucorrhoea And Prolapsus Uteri - Whites Female Weakness
The disease depends in all cases upon _inflammation_ of the uterus, or vagina, or both. The inflammation may be simply in the neck of the uterus extending to the posterior surface of the vagina, or the latter may not be affected; or it may extend...
Local Applications
That medicines act locally, that is, manifest their symptoms by peculiar derangement or disturbance of some particular part of the system, more prominently than of any other part, for the time, no one will deny. That each one has some particular loc...
Mammary Abscess
(_Ague in the breast--Inflamed breast_.) This is a disease peculiar to nursing women. The first symptom is a slight pain or soreness in some part of the "breast," which continues to increase for a day or two, when a chill, more or less severe, set...
Menorrhagia - Profuse Menses - Flowing
For this affection, _Ipecac_ and _Hamamelis_ are the specifics. They should be taken alternately, at intervals of from half an hour to two hours apart, according to the urgency of the symptoms, and the _Hamamelis_ injected into the vagina. These wil...
Morning Sickness Of Pregnant Females
The most efficient and certain remedy for this symptom is _Macrotin_. It should be taken at the first attenuation, a dose before rising in the morning, and one every six hours during the day, as long as the sickness is troublesome. It will generally...
Nursing Sore Mouth
Sore mouth of nursing women, as the name of the disease indicates, is peculiar to women who are suckling children. It is an inflammation of the mouth, tongue and fauces, which sometimes comes on during pregnancy, several months or but a few days bef...
Rhus Tox
applied, with water at the strength of thirty drops of the _tr._ to a gill, to parts affected with _Rheumatism_, acts very beneficially. It is also a most valuable application at half the above strength upon parts affected with Erysipelas, when the ...
Sore Nipples
This affection of nursing women frequently comes on before the birth of the child, but generally does not make its appearance until after the suckling has continued for a week or more. It seems in some cases to be connected with the aphthae (sore mo...
Suppression Of The Menses Amenorrhoea
For sudden suppression from taking cold, as by wetting the feet, there being headache, more or less fever, the pulse frequent and variable, pains in the small of the back and cramp like pains in the pelvic region, give, in alternation, _Aconite_ a...
is a specific when locally used for _Sycosis_, also for fungoid cancerous tumors. I have cured well-marked cases of _Fungus Haematodes_ with the tinct. Thuya applied to the surface of the tumor. The _Thuja Cerate_ is a valuable application for mal...