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Ankle Swelling

Sources: Papers On Health

When long continued in connection with disease or

accident, this sometimes leads to a partial withering of the limb up to

its very root. In such a case it is best to deal first with the roots

of those nerves which supply the limb, which are, in the case of the

legs, in the lower part of the back. It is important to apply light

pressure to these roots by gently squeezing the muscles of the lower

back. This raises a feel
ng of gentle heat, which slowly passes down

the limbs even to the toes. Then the gentle pressure and squeezing must

be carried all down the limb, avoiding any degree of pain, until all

its muscles have had their share. While progressing down the limb

with his rubbing, let the rubber be careful that the individual strokes

of his hands be upwards, towards the hip. The blood will thus be

propelled towards the heart, while the stimulus of rubbing is

conveyed along the nerve trunks towards the foot. The squeezing should

be done with a grasping movement of the hands, the limb being held

encircled in both hands, thumbs upwards. Warm olive oil is used in this

squeezing, and also, if the skin be hard and dry, soap lather (see


Even slight displacements of bones will disappear under such treatment,

if patiently continued day after day, as the patient can bear it

without fatigue. In such gentle remedies, perseverance plays a large

part. (See Abscess; Diet; Exercise).

