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Complete Recovery Of The Seriously Ill

Categories: Fasting
Sources: How And When To Be Your Own Doctor

Its a virtual certainty that to fully recover, a seriously ill

person will have to significantly rebuild numerous organs. They have

a hard choice: to accept a life of misery, one that the medical

doctors with drugs and surgery may be able to prolong into an

interminable hell on earth, or, spend several years working on

really healing their body, rotating between water fasting, juice or

broth fasting, extended periods o
a cleansing raw food diet, and

periods of no-cleansing on a more complete diet that includes

moderate amounts of cooked vegetables and small quantities of cooked

cereals. And even after recovery someone who was quite ill may have

to live the rest of their life on a rather restricted regimen.

It is unrealistic to expect one fast to fix everything. The body

will heal as much as it can in the allotted time, but if a dangerous

illness has not been fully remedied by the first intense fast, a raw

food diet must be followed for three to six months until weight has

been regained, nutritional reserves have been rebuilt and it is safe

to undertake another extended fast. More than two water or juice

fasts a year of thirty continuous days are not recommended nor

should they be necessary unless the life is in imminent danger and

there is no other option.

The story of Jake's catastrophic illness and almost-cure is a good

example of this type of program. Jake was from back East. He phoned

me because he had read a health magazine article I had written, his

weak voice faintly describing a desperate condition. He was in a

wheelchair unable to walk, unable to control his legs or arms very

well, was unable to control his bladder and required a catheter. He

had poor bowel control, had not the strength to talk much or loudly

and most frightening to him, he was steadily losing weight although

he was eating large amounts of cooked vegetables and grains. Jake

had wasted away to 90 pounds at 5' 10" and looked pathetic when I

first saw him wheeled off an airplane at my local airport.

Jake had seen a lot of medical doctors and had variously been

diagnosed as having chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic (whatever that

is) meningitis, and multiple sclerosis. He had been treated by

virtually every medical expert and many famous alternative

practitioners, utilizing a host of old and new techniques, all to no

avail. He had even tried intravenous chelation therapy and colonics.

It had also been suggested that he enter a hospital for the

treatment of eating disorders and/or see a psychiatrist. He had

tried to gain admittance to a number of holistic fasting

institutions back east, but they all refused him because they

considered the risk was too high to fast a person at such a low body

weight. But I had previously fasted emaciated people like Jake, and

there was something I liked about his telephone presence. Perhaps

this is why I foolishly decided I knew better than the other


People commonly waste away and die while eating large amounts of

food. Obviously they are unable to digest or assimilate nutrients or

they wouldn't be wasting. Eating further increases their toxic

burden from undigested meals, further worsening their already

failing organs. The real solution is to stop feeding them altogether

so that their digestive functions can heal. In Jake's case, his

body's nutritional reserves had already become sadly depleted due to

poor absorption over such an extended period, so I could not fast

him on water. I immediately put Jake on a rich mineral broth

prepared from everything left alive in our garden at the end of

winter--leaves of kale, endive plants, whole huge splitting Savoy

cabbages, garlic, huge leeks including their green tops, the whole

stew fortified with sea weed. It did not matter too much what

vegetables I used as long as there were lots of leafy greens

containing lots of chlorophyll (where the most concentrated mineral

nutrition is located).

Jake was given colonics every day, but had to be carried to the

colonic table because he could not support his own weight. Whoever

had given him colonics previously had not accomplished much for I

must say that Jake had the most foul smelling discharges that I had

ever encountered in administering over 6,000 colonics over many

years. It was as if his body was literally rotting from the inside


After 30 days on mineral broth Jake, who really did weigh 90 pounds

when he arrived, was only down to 85! When a person already close to

skeletal weight starts fasting, to conserve vital tissue the body

goes rapidly into a state of profound rest so it uses very little

energy, thus it loses very little weight each day. This degree of

resting also helps heal abnormal body parts earlier. After one month

on mineral broth Jake began to show signs of mineral deficiencies in

the form of a fine tremor of the hands, and cramps in the feet, so I

put him on mineral supplements too.

Jake was in my house for a long time. At the end of the second month

on broth he started two weeks on raw carrot juice with a lot of

chlorophyll added from sources such as algae (spirulina), wheat

grass juice, alfalfa, etc.. This was followed by two more weeks on

small quantities of raw fruits and vegetables, and then followed by

two weeks with added steamed vegetables, and finally, he achieved a

diet which included small amounts of grain, cooked legumes and raw

nuts, plus the fruits and vegetables previously mentioned. Jake

health steadily improved. He gained control of his bladder, bowels,

speech, hands, and legs. He began to exercise in the living room on

a stationary bike, and walked slowly up and down our long driveway,

picking daffodils in the beautiful spring weather.

Sadly, though I could help his body to heal it was next to

impossible to stem the tides of Jake's appetites or to pleasantly

withstand his tantrums when he was denied; he always wanted more in

terms of quantity, more in terms of variety, and at more frequent

intervals. Though his organs had healed significantly, his digestive

capacity was not nearly as large as he remembered himself enjoying

before he got sick. And never would be. Jake was not happy about the

dietary restrictions necessary for him to retain his newly attained

health, and unwilling to stay within the limits of his digestive

system's ability to process foods. He had gained weight and was back

up to 120 pounds. It was time for him to go home before I lost my

good humor.

Jake left with a lot of "good lucks" and stern admonitions to stick

to his stringent diet and supplement program. It was a big moment

for Jake. He had arrived in a wheelchair three months before. Now he

walked unaided to the airplane, something he had not been able to do

for two years.

Back at home Jake had no one courageous enough to set limits for

him. His immediate family and every one of his brow beaten

associates were compelled to give him everything that he wanted. So

his appetite and lack of personal discipline got the better of him.

He started eating lots of dates and figs. These had been eliminated

from his diet because he was unable to process foods which such a

high sugar content. He also ate larger and larger quantities of

grains, nuts and avocados, although I had warned him of specific

quantity limits on rich foods. Most sadly, he returned to enjoying

spaghetti with lots of cheese grated on top. Within months of

leaving my care his paralysis and weakness returned, except that

unfortunately for him, he still retained the ability to assimilate

food and maintain his body weight. Ironically, the only ultimate

benefit of his fasting with me was to permit him to suffer a far

longer existence in a wheelchair without wasting away and escaping

into death.

I would be failing my readers if I did not explain why Jake became

ill in the first place. Jake had started what grew to become a very

successful chain of spaghetti restaurants with a unique noodles and

sauces made to his own formula. He ate a lot of his own spaghetti

over the years, and had been reared in a good Italian family with

lots of other kinds of rich food. Jake had a reputation for being

able to outeat everybody in terms of quantity and in the amount of

time spent eating. In childhood, this ability had made his Italian

mother very happy because it showed appreciation for her great

culinary skill.

Secondly, Jake the adult was still at his core, Jake the spoiled

brat child, with a bad, unregulated temper. He was in the habit of

dumping his temper on other people whether they needed a helping of

his angry emotions or not. A lot of people in his employ and in his

extended family tiptoed around Jake, always careful of triggering

his wrath. At my place as Jake began to get well he began to use his

increased energy and much stronger voice to demonstrate his poor

character. At meal times Jake would bang the table with a fork hard

enough to leave dents in the wood table top while yelling for more,

complaining loudly about the lack of rich sauces and other culinary

delights he craved. This was a character problem that Jake could not

seem to overcome, even with a lot of intervention from the local

minister on his behalf and my counseling. Jake was a Catholic who

went to church regularly, but acted like a Christian only while he

was in church. On some level Jake knew that he was not treating

others fairly, but he would not change his habitual responses. His

negative thoughts and actions interfered with his digestive capacity

to the extent that his gluttonous eating habits produced illness, a

vegetative paralyzing illness, but not death. To me this seems

almost a form of karmic justice.

It is common for people who have been very ill for extended periods

of time to realize what a wonderful gift life is and arrive at a

willingness to do almost anything to have a second chance at doing

"life" right. Some succeed with their second chance and some don't.

If they don't succeed in changing their life and relationships, they

frequently relapse.

Luigi Cornaro's left the world his story of sickness and

rejuvenation. His little book may be the world's first alternative

healing text. It is a classic example of the value of

abstentousness. Had Jake taken this story to heart he would have

totally recovered. Cornaro was a sixteenth century Venetian

nobleman. He, like Jake the spaghetti baron, was near death at the

young age of forty. (Jake was also in his early 40s when he broke

down.) Cornaro's many doctors were unable to cure him. Finally he

saw a doctor who understood the principles of natural healing. This

wise physician determined that this illness was caused by a mismatch

between Cornaro's limited digestive capacity and the excessive

amount of food he was eating. So Cornaro was put on a diet of only

12 ounces of solid food and fourteen ounces of liquid a day. Any

twelve ounces of any solids he wanted and any fourteen ounces of

liquid. It could be meat and wine, salad or orange juice, no matter.

Cornaro soon regained his health and he continued to follow the diet

until the age of 78. His health was so outstanding during this

period that people who were much younger in terms of years were

unable to keep up with him. At 78 his friends, worried about how

thin he was (doesn't it always seem that it is your so-called

friends who always ruin a natural cure) persuaded him to increase

his daily ration by two ounces a day. His delicate and weak

digestive system, which had operated perfectly for many years, was

unable to deal with the additional two ounces, and he became very

ill after a very short period of over eating.

Worse, his recent indulgence had even further damaged the organs of

digestion and to survive Cornaro had to cut his daily ration to

eight ounces of solid food and eleven of liquids. On this reduced

dietary he again regained his health and lived to be 100. Cornaro

wrote four books on the value of abstinence or "sober living" as he

called it, writing the last and perhaps the most interesting at 96

years of age. Had my patient Jake been able to confine his food

intake to the level of his body's ability to digest, he might still

be walking and enjoying life. But try as I might I could not make

him understand. Perhaps he enjoys doing penance in his wheel chair

more than he would enjoy health and life.

Tissue Losses at Death By Starvation

Fat 97%

Muscles 31

Blood 27

Liver 54

Spleen 67

Pancreas 17

Skin 21

Intestines 18

Kidneys 26

Lungs 18

Testes 40

Heart 3

Brain and Spinal Cord 3

Nerves 3

Bone 14

From Keys, Ancel, Joseph Brozek, Austin Henchel, Olaf Mickelson

and Henry L. Taylor, (1950)_ The Biology of Human Starvation._ Two

Vols. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

