Copy Of Certificate
Primitive Psycho-therapy And Quackery
These may Inform all whom it might Concern, that Mr. John
Kaighin, of the Province of West New Jersey, hath lived with
me (here under named) a considerable time, as a Disciple, to
learn the Arts and Mysteries of Chymistry, Physick, and the
Astral Sciences, whereby to make a more Perfect Discovery of
the Hidden Causes of more Occult and Uncommon Diseases, not so
easily to be discovered by t
e Vulgar Practice. In all which
he has been very Dilligent and Studious, as well as in the
Administration of the Medecines, and in the various Cases:
wherein his Judgment may be safely depended upon in all
things, so far as he follows my Instructions. And Hope he may
in all things answer the Confidence that may be reposed in
GERMANTOWN, Febr. 20, 1758.
Following is a Prayer for a Dyspeptic, drawn up by an adherent of
Christian Science:
Holy Reality, Blessed Reality, believing that Thou art
everywhere present, we believe that Thou art in this patient's
stomach, in every fibre, in every cell, in every atom; that
Thou art the sole, only Reality of that stomach. Heavenly,
Holy Reality, Thou art not sick, and therefore nothing in this
universe was ever sick, is now sick, or can be sick. We know,
Father and Mother of us all, that there is no such thing as a
really diseased stomach; that the disease is the Carnal
Mortal Mind given over to the World, the Flesh and the Devil;
that the mortal mind is a twist, a distortion, a false
attitude, the Hamartia [+hamartia+, sin] of Thought.
Help us to stoutly affirm, with our hand in your hand, with
our eyes fixed on Thee, that we never had Dyspepsia, that we
will never have Dyspepsia, that there is no such thing, that
there never was any such thing, that there never will be any
such thing. Amen.