Constipation Of Bowels
A Newly Discovered System Of Electrical Medication
This disease may proceed from either a negative condition--a state of
atony from lack of nutrition, or a partial paralysis of the
bowels--or from a positive condition--a state of relaxation and
consequent weakness of the muscular tissues of the bowels. In either of
these cases, the peristaltic action of the intestines becomes enfeebled,
and constipation ensues.
In either case, use the A D current, of medi
m force. In the
first-mentioned case, place P. P. at back of neck, or in the mouth with
tongue instrument, and treat with N. P. over liver, stomach and bowels;
or place N. P. at the anus. Treat so five to eight minutes.
In the second-specified case, place N. P. at back of neck or on the
dorsal vertebrae, and treat with P. P. over the bowels five to eight
In both cases, repeat the treatment daily until relief is afforded. Or,
if the case be chronic, treat daily for three or four days, and, after
that, three times a week. It is well also to give general tonic
treatment as often as once a week. The patient should be urged to
retire and invite an evacuation regularly, about the same hour daily,
whether success attend it or not.