An Epitome Of Homeopathic Healing Art
This is a disease of the skin, producing redness, burning and itching
pains, appearing in patches, in adults, most apt to appear about the
head and face, but in children, upon the limbs, or in very young
children, beginning at the umbilicus. It sometimes begins at one point,
and continues to spread for a time, then suddenly disappears, and
reappears at some other point.
_Simple Erysipelas_ only affects th
surface, with redness and smarting.
_Vessicular_, produces vessicular eruption, or blisters filled with a
limpid fluid, somewhat like the blisters from a burn.
The _Phlegmonous Erysipelas_ affects the whole thickness of the skin and
cellular tissues beneath it, producing swelling, and not unfrequently,
resulting in suppuration, ulceration or gangrene and sloughing of the
parts. It is a dangerous disease, especially when on the head.
For the simple kind, _Bell._ is all that will be needed, unless there
should be considerable fever, when _Aconite_ should be alternated with
the _Bell._ For the _vessicular_ kind, where there are blisters, _Rhus
tox._ should be used with _Bell_. For the _Phlegmonous_, with deep
seated swellings, _Apis mel_ is the most important remedy. I prefer to
use three of these remedies, giving them in rotation, beginning with the
_Bell._, followed with _Rhus_, and then by _Apis mel._ giving them one
hour apart. In a mild case, or after the patient begins to recover, give
them at longer intervals. The _Apis_ alone will often be sufficient.
During the whole time, the affected parts should be kept covered with
dry, superfine flour, some say Buckwheat flour acts most favorably. The
diet should be very spare. Eat as little as possible, until the disease
begins to subside.
A very important part of the treatment of this affection is to keep the
patient in a room that is comfortably warm, say at a temperature of from
65 to 75 deg., and keep the temperature _uniformly the same_, as nearly as
possible, night and day. Do not, by any means, expose him suddenly to
cold air, or a cold breeze, as on going into a cold room, going out into
cold air, or undressing or dressing in a cold room. Uniformly warm
temperature is of great importance.