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Copious Warm Water Injections

Categories: Digestive Organs

This is good at the beginning of the
treatment when the feces become packed. They soften the mass and aid its

discharge. The water must go above the rectum into the colon. To do this a

colon tube from eighteen to twenty-four inches long, a good syringe (the

Davidson bulb) hard rubber piston or a fountain syringe, the nozzle of

which can be inserted into the tube, are required. The patient is placed

in the lying down position
n the left side with knees drawn up, with the

hips elevated. Oil the tube and pass it gently and slowly up the bowel for

a few inches until it meets with a slight obstruction. A few ounces of

water are then forced through the tube and at the same time pressure is

made upward with the tube; by these means the obstruction will be lifted

out of the way each time the tube meets with resistance; the procedure

must be repeated until the tube is well within the colon. Attach the

syringe to the tube and allow the water to run until the colon is

distended. A quart to a gallon of warm water can be used depending upon

the age and amount of feces present. The water should be retained as long

as possible.

The injections should be continued daily until all the feces has been

removed. They should not be used for weeks as has been recommended. If

soap suds are used in the enema, green or soft soap should be used, not

the hard soap.

Electricity. One pole may be placed over the spinal column and the other

moved about over the course of the colon, or one over the spine and the

other over the rectum.

Again constipation is caused by the womb lying upon the rectum. Change

this condition. (See diseases of women).

Rules. Patients should go to stool daily at the same hour, usually after

the morning meal. You can educate the bowel to act daily at the same hour

or after breakfast; or on the other hand not more than once in two or

three days in those who are careless in their habits. Some patients need

to have two or three movements daily in order to feel well. It may take

time to educate the bowels to do this, but it can be done in many cases

and many persons become constipated because they put off attending to the

educated bowel's call, and often produce constipation by carelessness. It

is surprising how many educated people put off this duty; Nature

neglected, soon ceases to call. If constipated persons will persevere in

going to the closet at or near the same time every day and devote their

entire time while there to the expulsion of the fecal contents, and not

make it a reading room, they will bring about the desired result. Patients

are apt to become discouraged at first; they should be informed that the

final result of the treatment is not influenced by the failure of the

bowel to act regularly during the first few days. Do not strain to expel

the stool.

