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Categories: Diseases of The Nervous System

A neuralgia of one or more of the intercostal
nerves. These nerves run in a groove in the lower edge of the ribs.

Causes. It may develop without any special cause. It comes in anemia,

after exposure to cold, from affection of the vertebrae, ribs, spinal

cord, or from the pressure of tumors, or aneurism of the aorta. This is

next in importance to neuralgia of the fifth nerve, and occurs more often

in women and very common in t
ose who have hysteria. It is more common on

the left side and mostly in the nerves situated from the fifth to the

ninth intercostal space. If it is located in the nerves distributed to the

mammary glands it gives rise to neuralgia of the mammary gland. The flying

darts of pain in the chest (pleurodynia) are to be regarded as neuralgic

in character.

Symptoms. The pain is usually very severe, especially on movement of the

intercostal (between the ribs) muscles. With this pain, as a rule, an

eruption (herpes) appears along the course of the affected nerve and this

is supposed to be due to the extension of the inflammation from the

nerve-ends to the skin. Pain, when pressed upon, is most marked near the

spinal vertebral, the breastbone (sternal) end and the middle part of the

nerve. The trouble may continue a long time after the eruption (herpes)

has disappeared, for it is very obstinate.

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Intercostal Neuralgia. This consists in using

remedies that will cause counter-irritation. Electricity and pain

destroying (anodynes) remedies are indicated in chronic cases. Apply heat

for pain in the "breasts." For the eruption an ointment like oxide of zinc

can be used.

Local Treatment. A mustard plaster is frequently good to use. It produces

the counter-irritation desired. Application of dry heat from hot cloths; a

hot sand bag may help in some cases. A rubber bag containing hot water can

also be used. Fomentations of hops, etc., applied hot and frequently

changed to keep them hot are beneficial in some cases. I have found in

some cases that an adhesive plaster put over the sore parts relieves the

severe pain. Porous plasters are also good. Tincture of ranunculus

bulbosus (buttercup) is a good remedy. Put ten drops in a glass half full

of water, and take two teaspoonfuls every hour.

