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Diseases Of The Nervous System
Is generally the result of some mental shock. CHRONIC MELANCHOLIA is the end of all other forms of mental depression. All these have their own peculiar manifestations and need a special line of treatment. ...
A light supper before retiring, like hot milk, broths, milk punch, etc., will very frequently promote sleep by removing the cause and quickening the circulation. Give nutritious, easy food to digest. The baths are not so valuable for this kind of insomn...
A partial or total inability to express thoughts in words or to interpret perceptions. Varieties. Motor and sensory aphasia. Causes. Softening of the brain, tumors of the brain, lesions in syphilis especially, hemorrhage in the brain, blows on the ...
APOPLEXY. (Cerebral Hemorrhage). (Brain Hemorrhage). Causes
Bleeding (hemorrhage) into the brain substance is almost always due to an affection of the walls of the large or small arteries of the brain, producing rupture and subsequent bleeding. Persons of fifty or over are more subject to it, and it is more com...
APOPLEXY. 1. Mothers' Remedies, Simple yet Effective Remedy for
"Place the feet of the patient in hot water and mustard," This is a very simple treatment for such a serious disease, but very often will relieve as the hot bath will cause a reaction, take the pressure of blood from the brain and by this means has bee...
This is so-called because the bilious symptoms are the most prominent. It may be caused by violent anger, disputes, excessive eating causing congestion of the liver; abuse of spirits; some persons are of a bilious constitution and the least error in die...
Causes of Insanity
There are many and various causes. One author states: "Mental abnormality is always due to either imperfect or eccentric physical development, or to the effects of inborn or acquired physical disease, or to injurious impressions, either ante-natal or po...
CEREBRAL ANEMIA. (Too little blood in the brain). Causes
Heart disease, general anemia, and mental excitement. Symptoms. "Fainting spells," dizziness, the ears ring and there are spots before the eyes; nausea and vomiting may go ahead of the fainting spells. The face is pale, the pupils are dilated, the pu...
Characteristic paroxysm of the Major attacks
This may be ushered in by a localized sensation, known as the Aura, in some part of the body; but it may come without any warning and suddenly. The convulsions begin suddenly and at first are tonic, that is, it does not change but holds on. Thc patient...
Chronic Dementia
Shakespeare says, "Last scene of all, that ends this strange, eventful history, is second childishness and mere oblivion; sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything." "The Sans Everything."--Is the sad and hopeless obscuration by time or dise...
The brain is too full of blood. Causes. For Active Congestion. Over-exertion in study, etc.; chronic pletbora (too much blood in the blood vessels); from constant use of alcohol, tobacco, amyl nitrite, and from the stomach. For passive congestion. ...
In this kind there is or seems to be too much blood in the head. The patient may be stupid, with a flushed face. If conscious, the brain feels as if it was rising or falling, especially upon the motion of the head. The top of the head sometimes feels as...
This term literally means "from mind," out of mind, and such a person is in a state of the most deplorable mental poverty. We all have seen such cases and some cases are not only very sad but disgusting. PRIMARY DEMENTIA comes on independently of ...
If anemia is the cause, give tonics such as iron and arsenic. If the patient feels faint and nauseated, a small cup of strong hot coffee gives relief, sometimes. Antipyrin, given early in doses of two and one-half grains often relieves. Take another dos...
EPILEPSY. (Falling Sickness)
This is an affection of the nervous system, characterized by attacks of unconsciousness, with or without convulsion. Causes. In a large proportion of cases the disease begins before puberty. It rarely begins after twenty-five. It is more liable to att...
First Thing to do in Sick Headache
It is well to remain in a darkened room away from noise, etc. If the head throbs and beats very hard, either a cold ice bag or hot applications often bring relief. A mustard plaster at the base of the brain with a hot foot-bath often helps. Some people ...
Wine, worry and women produce a great many cases of this disease. The doctors claim a notorious criminal now committed to one asylum and about whom we have read so much, is a victim of this disease. First stage. There is worry, anxiety, sleeplessness ...
GENERAL PARESIS. (Paretic dementia)
This belongs under diseases of the mind, but there are so many cases that a description of this disease may be instructive and interesting. One author says: "General paresis is a chronic, progressive, diffuse, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain),...
This term means a pain in the head, all over the head, or at one particular spot. It may be only a symptom of a general constitutional derangement, some disease of some other organ, a temporary inability of some organ like the stomach, liver, bowels, et...
This is frequent. There is generally a dull, heavy feeling in the forehead, the head feels full and sometimes dizzy, the patient feels blue and morose, the tongue is coated on its back part, mouth tastes bitter, patient is drowsy and stupid and work goe...
HEREDITARY ATAXIA. Friedrich's Disease
This peculiar disease is due to a degenerative disease of the posterior and lateral columns (parts) of the spinal cord, occurring in childhood, and often in several children of the same family. Causes. More in boys than in girls and oftener in the co...
This is caused by intermittent, sudden contraction of the diaphragm; obstinate hiccough is a very distressing symptom and sometimes it is hard to control. 302 MOTHERS' REMEDIES Causes. Inflammatory causes. It is seen in gastritis, peritonitis...
A state in which ideas control the body and produce morbid changes in its functions. Causes. It occurs mostly in women, and usually appears first about the time of puberty, but the manifestations may continue until the menopause or even until old age...
In Neuritis from Arsenic
We have disturbance of the stomach and bowels first, then the legs and arms are about equally affected, weakened; may recover in two to six months. Treatment for acute kind. The first thing to do is to rest in bed and control the pain and acute sympt...
INFANTILE PARALYSIS. (Acute Anterior Polio Myelitis)
This is an acute disease occurring almost exclusively in young children with paralysis, followed by rapid dwindling of the muscles of the parts affected by the paralysis. Causes. Found in children under three years old. It is more common in summer t...
Inflammation of the Bundles of Nerve Fibres)
Nagel describes it as "an inflammation of the nerves of an acute or chronic nature, associated with more or less degeneration, change in the nerve fibrils of the affected nerves." Causes. An injury to the nerves, frequent muscular strains, exposur...
INJURIES OF THE SPINAL CORD. Concussion of the Spine
A severe jarring of the body followed by a group of spinal symptoms supposed to be due to some minute changes in the cord, of an unknown nature. Causes. Severe concussion may result from railway accidents or violent bending of the body, fall from a h...
INJURIES TO THE HEAD. Concussion or Laceration of the Brain
The brain may be injured by a blow on the head, or indirectly by falling fully upon the feet or sitting down hard upon the buttocks. Symptoms. The person who is injured may lose his balance and fall, become pale, confused, and giddy, may have nausea ...
The earliest reference to insanity is found in the book of Deuteronomy. Another reference is in Samuel where it speaks concerning David's cunning and successful feigning of insanity. "And he changed his behavior before them and feigned himself mad in th...
Insomnia is not a disease, but a symptom of disease. It may, however, become so active, prominent, and important a symptom as to constitute a condition which merits individual management and treatment. Definition. Insomnia is the term employed to deno...
A neuralgia of one or more of the intercostal nerves. These nerves run in a groove in the lower edge of the ribs. Causes. It may develop without any special cause. It comes in anemia, after exposure to cold, from affection of the vertebrae, ribs, spinal...
LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA. Tabes dorsalis. Posterior Spinal Sclerosis)
A hardening (sclerosis) affecting the posterior parts of the spinal cord and characterized by incoordination, which means a condition where a person is unable to produce voluntary muscular movements; for instance, of the legs, etc., loss of deep reflex...
This type of insanity means a raving and furious madness. There are many cases of this kind. The causes are many and may be the same as those which produce melancholia. In melancholia the shock, etc., causes depression, while in the mania the causes of ...
Melancholia is a disease characterized by great mental depression. Causes--Predisposition, physical disease, dissipation, work and worry, shock, brooding. In simple melancholia the mildest attack may be called the "blues." ...
These are very common. They may be regular every month, and they are then caused by some trouble with the womb or ovaries, or may be due to a run-down condition or heredity. It comes sometimes from suppression of the menses as a consequence of some viol...
Multiple Neuritis
Other names: Polyneuritis, Disseminated Neuritis, Peripheral Neuritis. Meaning--Multiple neuritis is an inflammatory disease of the peripheral (toward the end of the nerves or external nerves) nervous system. It varies much in extent and intensity and a...
Myelitis is an inflammation of the spinal cord. Causes. It may occur at any age, and is more common in male than in female. The exciting causes are prolonged exposure to severe colds, too great mental and physical exertion, sexual excess, blows, bleed...
A morbid increase in the tissue-elements of the peripheral (the external surface) nerves. Varieties. True and False Nerve Tumors. True nerve tumors (neuromata) are composed of nerve-fibres provided with a medullary (marrow) sheath or of nerve tissue;...
This may occur as a sick headache or be simply a nervous headache: This occurs oftenest in a nervous person, or in persons who are run down by different causes, such as diseases, overwork, worry, trouble, etc. It is not periodic, and has no fixed type, ...
Is a condition of weakness or exhaustion of the nervous system, giving rise to various forms of mental and bodily inefficiency. Causes. 1. Hereditary causes. Some children are born of parents who are weak themselves, and who have led fast lives throu...
Pain occurring in the course of the nerves and in their area of distribution. The pain has remission and intermissions, and is due to some morbid affection of the nerves of sensation or their spinal or (brain) centers. Causes. The affection may depen...
This commonly comes periodically, usually, one- sided. It may occur at the same hour for several days in succession. The pains are of all kinds. It may start in the morning or at any time. It involves more especially the eyes, side of the head, face, an...
Neuritis from lead
The first symptoms are those of intestinal colic, lead line on the gums, "dropped-wrist." The recovery is quite gradual and the poison may be cast out in three to four months. ...
This affection occurs in divers, bridge builders, and others who are subject to increased atmospheric pressure. The symptoms develop on coming suddenly to the surface when the atmospheric pressure is greatly lessened. Symptoms. They usually occur o...
Other Causes of Insanity
Imperfect Nutrition. Whatever tends to weaken the brain or exhaust the central forces of life must favor the growth of insanity. The brain is not properly nourished. Blows and Falls upon the Head. Sometimes such injuries are forgotten, but they resu...
PALSY. Paralysis
A loss of movement, entire or partial, in the voluntary muscles of the body. When this loss of power is complete it is called paralysis; when it is not complete, paresis. Causes. Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord, tumors in these parts, accid...
If there is any womb trouble, it must be attended to. There is frequently trouble with the menses in cases of hysteria. It sometimes comes from anemia or simply comes without any special reason. Tonics like arsenic, iron, strychnine and cod-liver oil a...
Remove the cause. Give salts and iodide of potash. Paralysis from arsenic, mercury, zinc or copper:--The symptoms are those of neuritis and are greatly similar in each kind. The spongy gums show mercury; the puffy face and diarrhea show arsenic poison. ...
PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT. What to do during the Attack of Epilepsy
Keep the patient from injuring himself, loosen the clothing, take off the collar or anything tight about the neck. Place a cork or spool or tooth-brush handle between the teeth to keep the patient from biting his tongue, but attach a stout cord to the ...
Preventive Treatment of Hysteria
In order to be successful in this line of treatment the cause must be found and treated. An English physician writes: "It is pitiable to think of the misery that has been inflicted on these unhappy victims of the harsh and unjust treatment which has res...
Sarcoma and Cancer are rare.
Symptoms. The most of the growths start in the membranes of the brain, and by compressing a certain part of the brain they produce their special symptoms such as headache, vomiting, inflammation of the nerves of the eye, double vision, blindness, th...
This is as a rule a neuritis of the sciatic nerve or of its cords of origin. It is characterized by pain chiefly along the course of the sciatic nerve. Causes. It occurs most commonly in adult males. The person may have a history of rheumatism or gou...
Acute dementia attacks both sexes, but it occurs most often in females, though in a milder degree. It is a disease of youth, being rarely seen beyond thirty years of age. It seems to depend often upon exhausting influences operating at a period of rapi...
SHAKING PALSY. (Paralysis Agitans)
This is a chronic affection of the nervous system, characterized by muscular weakness, trembling and rigidity. Causes. It usually occurs after the fortieth year, and is more common in men than in women. The exciting causes are exposure to cold and we...
SICK HEADACHE. (Migraine. Hemicrania)
Migraine is a peculiar form of severe paroxysms of unilateral (one side) headache often associated with disorders of sight. Causes. It is frequently hereditary, and it has occurred through several generations. Women and members of nervous families ar...
Simple Neuritis
This means that a single nerve of a group of adjacent nerve trunks is affected. If a number of nerves are affected at the same time it is called Multiple Neuritis or Polyneuritis. Causes. (a) Exposure to cold. This is a very frequent cause, as for ex...
There is a tendency to sleep walking in some families, often more than one child will do this to a greater or less extent. It is very extreme in some cases, and the next morning they do not know anything about it. The person is very seldom hurt and he c...
This may be inherited to some extent; excitement, nervousness, bodily fatigue, want of rest, etc., make it worse. MOTHER'S REMEDY. 1. Stammering, Easy Cure for. "Read aloud in a room an hour each day. Repeat each word slowly and distinctly." PHYSIC...
This, as the name indicates, is due to some acute or chronic trouble with the stomach. It is caused by over-loading the stomach, or eating food that does not agree, such as fat meat, gravies, starchy food, warm bread, pastry, etc., or it may be due to ...
Symptoms of the Paroxysms
Convulsive seizures are common manifestations of hysteria, and frequently present a great similarity to epilepsy. The prodromal (fore-running) symptoms are frequently present and may begin several days before the convulsion occurs. In milder forms, in w...
Causes. The symptoms of syphilis of the brain, belong to the third stage of the disease, and are rarely ever observed until at least one year or longer from the time of the first lesion (chancre). It may be from ten to twenty years coming on. Both sexes...
Taste-Buds. There are three kinds of papillae or eminences on the human tongue,--the circumvallate, the fungiform and the filiform. The circumvallate are from seven to twelve in number and lie near the root of the tongue, arranged in the form of a V, wi...
(Fractures and dislocations, gunshot and stab wounds, etc.). Symptoms. They differ according to the place where the cord is injured. The motion and feeling power may be disturbed. There may be sudden complete paralysis of the upper and lower extremit...
Varieties in order of their frequency. Gumma, tuberculous tumors, glioma, sarcoma, cancer, etc. Causes. Predisposing. Men are about twice as often affected as women until fifty and then it is about equal. It is more frequent in early adult life. The ...
Causes. This is always secondary and comes from some other part of the body. It comes often in young and middle life and is more common in males than in females. The most frequent cause is inflammation of the ear and the next is from fracture of the...
Women who suffer from womb troubles such as leucorrhea, torn cervix, falling womb displacements and diseases of the inner womb, ovaries and tubes, suffer from all kinds of headache. The pain may be in the nape of the neck, the back part of the head and ...
This occurs much oftener in men than in women, and usually between the ages of twenty-five and forty. The predisposing causes are a nervous constitution, heredity, alcoholism, worry, etc. The chief exciting cause,--excessive writing, especially when it ...