Blood Supply Of
Papers On Health
To supply good blood in cases where it is lacking,
either from indigestion or low vitality, nothing is better than milk,
diluted with an equal quantity of boiling water. It may be less or
more diluted, as the patient's power of digestion is greater or less,
but in all cases half and half can be tried first. This forms a natural
blood supply. Claret, switched egg and brandy, are to be carefully
avoided. Boiling water amalgamates with the milk, and care therefore
must be taken to see that it is really boiling. Give a teacupful of
this every two hours. If the patient is very weak, this may be the only
diet. But often he will be going about work or business, and yet
needing fresh, good blood supply. Then the cupful may be taken every
two hours, in addition to the usual meals. Experience will soon show
how this may be done. But two hours after a meal, the milk and water
may be given.