Preventative Fasting
Colon Cleansing
How And When To Be Your Own Doctor
During the years it takes for a body to degenerate enough to prompt
a fast, the body has been storing up large quantities of unprocessed
toxins in the cells, tissues, fat deposits, and organs. The body in
its wisdom will always choose to temporarily deposit overwhelming
amounts of toxins somewhere harmless rather than permit the blood
supply to become polluted or to use secondary elimination routes. A
body will use tim
s when the liver is less burdened to eliminate
these stored toxic debris. The hygienists' paradigm asserts that the
manifestation of symptoms or illness are all by themselves,
absolute, unassailable proof that further storage of toxic wastes in
the cells, tissues, fat deposits, and organs is not possible and
that an effort toward elimination is absolutely necessary. Thus the
first time a person fasts a great quantity of toxins will normally
be released. Being the resident of a body when this is happening can
be quite uncomfortable. For this reason alone, preventative fasting
is a very wise idea.
Before the body becomes critically ill, clean up your reserve fuel
supply (fat deposits) by burning off some accumulated fat that is
rich in toxic deposits and then replace it with clean, non-toxic fat
that you will make while eating sensibly. If you had but fasted
prophylactically as a preventative or health-creating measure before
you became seriously ill, the initial detoxification of your body
could have been accomplished far more comfortably, while you were
healthy, while your vital force was high and while your body
otherwise more able to deal with detoxification.
Each time you fast, even if it is only one day, you allow your body
to go through a partial detox, and each time it becomes easier and
more comfortable than the last time. The body learns how to fast.
Each time you fast it, your body slips into a cleansing mode more
quickly, and each time you fast you lighten the load of stored
toxins. Perhaps you have already eliminated the caffeine your body
had stored, which frequently causes severe headaches on withdrawal,
not to mention fatigue. It certainly helps to have this behind you
before you go on to the elimination of other irritating substances.
Many people have gone through alcohol or tobacco withdrawal, and
understand that it is very unpleasant, and also that it must be done
in the pursuit of health. Why not withdraw from the rest of the
irritating and debilitating substances we take into our system on an
ongoing basis, and why not grit your way through the eliminative
process, withdraw, from food addictions such as sugar or salt, and
from foods that you may be allergic to like wheat, dairy products or
It is very wise to invest in your own insurance plan by
systematically detoxifying while you are still healthy. Plan it into
your life, when it is convenient, such as once a week on Sunday, or
even once a month on a quiet day. Take a few days of vacation, go to
a warm, beautiful place and devote part or all of it to cleansing.
Treat yourself by taking an annual trip to Hawaii, fasting at a
hotel on the beach--do whatever it takes to motivate yourself. And
consider this: vacations are enormously cheaper when you stay out of
If you have accustomed your body to 24 hour fasts, then you can work
on 48 hour fasts, and over time work up to 72 hour fasts, all on a
continuum. You may find it becoming increasingly comfortable,
perhaps even pleasant, something you look forward to. Fasting a
relatively detoxified body feels good, and people eventually really
get into the clean, light, clear headed, perhaps spiritually aware
state that goes along with it.
By contrast, fasting when you are sick is much more difficult
because your vitality or vital force is very low, you already have
no energy, and probably have unpleasant symptoms that must be dealt
with at the same time. There may be the added stress of being forced
into a cleanse because you are too nauseous to eat. Most people let
their health go until they are forced into dealing with it; they are
too busy living, so why bother.
The truth is that our body does age, and over time becomes less able
to deal with insults; the accumulated effect of insults and aging
eventually leads most of us to some serious degenerative illness.
Normally this begins happening around age 50 if not sooner. Some of
us that were gifted with good genes or what I call "a good start"
may have reached the age of 60 or 75 or even 90 without serious
illness, but those people are few and far between. Why not tip the
scales in your favor by preventing or staving off health problems
with systematic detoxification at your own convenience.
Climb into the drivers seat and start to take control and gain
confidence in your own ability to deal with your body, your own
health, and your own life. When it gets right down to the bottom
line, there is really only one thing in the world that is really
yours, and that is your life. Take control and start managing it.
The reward will be a more qualitative life.