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Treatment Of Pseudo-anginas

Categories: Uncategorized
Sources: Disturbances Of The Heart

The treatment of these pseudo-angibas depends, of course, on the

diagnosis of the cause, and the cause should be eliminated or

modified. If the heart shows real disturbance from this reflex

cause, the treatment aimed toward it depends on whether the heart

action is weak or strong and the circulation poor or good. If the

circulation is poor, digitalis in small doses may be needed, either

5 drops of an active tincture tw
ce a day, or 8 or 10 drops once a

day. If digitalis is not indicated, strophanthus sometimes is

valuable. While strophanthus has been shown not to be a real cardiac

tonic like digitalis, still there seems to be a nervous sedative

action when it is given by the mouth, and it often does good in

these cases. The dose is 5 drops of the tincture, in water, three

times a day, after meals. Strychnin in small doses may be needed,

but in these patients, who are generally nervous, it is usually

better not to give it.

One of the best sedatives to a heart that is irregular in its action

and not acting strongly is lime; a good way to administer it is in

the form of calcium lactate, and the dose is 0.3 gm. (5 grains), in

powder or capsule, three times a day, after meals.

If the circulation is good and the heart is strong, and yet these

irregular pains and irregular contractions occur, the bromids act

favorably and successfully. This is probably on account of their

ability to quiet the central nervous system, to quiet and soothe the

irritability of the heart, and to relax the peripheral blood

vessels. The dose should be from 0.5 to 1 gm. (7 1/2 to 15 grains),

in water, three times a day, after meals. It is not necessary or

advisable to continue the bromid very long. Whatever general tonic

or eliminative treatment the patient, requires should be given. The

value of hydrotherapy, massage and graded exercise should not be


