Cornus Alternifolia
NAT. ORD., Cornaceae.
COMMON NAME, Alternate-leaved Cornel or Dogwood. Swamp-walnut.
PREPARATION.--The fresh bark and young twigs are pounded to a pulp and
macerated in two parts by weight of alcohol.
(The following proving of this remedy was made under the
supervision of Dr. F. H. Lutze, Brooklyn. The Cornus
alternifolia, or "swamp walnut," has a reputation amon
the people in certain localities as being a "sure" remedy
for "salt rheum.")
Commence at bedtime Tuesday, May 12, 1896.
Wednesday, May 13, 1896.--Awoke this morning after a very refreshing
night's sleep, feeling as well as usual; and did not notice anything out
of the ordinary during the entire day. Had stool, but somewhat scanty.
Appetite fair.
Thursday, May 14, 1896.--Did not rest very well during night. Had dream
I was spending summer in country. Did not get into anything like a sound
sleep until near morning; and then was very reluctant about getting up;
would have preferred to have had a couple hours more of such sleep. I
have noticed nothing in the course of the day worthy of mention
excepting a pain across the small of the back, which lasted only a short
time and then disappeared. Stool to-day little better than yesterday.
Friday, May 15, 1896.--Another restless night; would get into a light
sleep off and on until near morning. Dreamed again; this time of an
exciting fire drill. Up to to-day had been taking Cornus alternifolia
thrice daily; 3 drops 30th, commencing with this morning every three
hours. Stool to-day at first hard and difficult, then loose. Nothing
further noticed to-day.
Saturday, May 16, 1896.--Passed a very restless and sleepless night;
guess I was awake at the striking of every hour. Tongue has been coated
a yellowish white for a couple of days. Stool to-day, but scanty. Feel
as well as usual, but don't seem to have the ambition to do anything for
any length of time.
Sunday, May 17, 1896.--Experienced another very restless and sleepless
night. Felt an aching in left shoulder and dull pain across forehead,
more particularly on right side. Stool to-day and appetite fair.
Monday, May 18, 1896.--While I passed another restless night, it was not
as bad as nights previous. Seem to hear every little noise and sound.
When once awake, mind becomes active and then it is difficult to get
into a sleep again. Have dreamed something mostly every night; some of
which I do not remember.
Tuesday, May 19, 1896.--Rested somewhat better last night; though was
awake off and on. Last dose taken at bedtime.
Wednesday, May 20, 1896.--Experienced another restless night; was awake
most of the night until about 3 A.M., when I dropped off into a sleep.
Friday, May 22, 1896.--Noticed a little sore inside of mouth (left
side), which by Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday had become very
annoying. When eating anything that came in contact with it, or even
when moving the mouth in a certain direction would cause a sticking,
pricking pain. I also want to mention a few eruptions, small pustules on
face and neck, which appeared during this proving.
February 1, 1896.--Took 5 drops of [Greek: theta] three times daily.
February 6, 1896.--Took 5 drops of [Greek: theta] every two hours. On
second day had two loose evacuations in quick succession in the
February 9, 1896.--A cold feeling in chest as if it were filled with
cold air or ice; this continued for two days and was very disagreeable,
but seemed to have no influence on action of heart or respiration.
A second proving, commenced on April 1st, reproduced the same symptoms
in same manner. Have made no proving of 30th yet.
Commenced at bedtime Sunday, June 7, 1896.
Monday, June 8, 1896.--Awoke after being awake the greater part of the
night feeling as usual. Felt dull pain in right side region of liver
about 11 A.M.
Tuesday, June 9, 1896.--Slept very little; tossed and turned mostly all
night; could not get into any comfortable position. Tongue this morning
coated a yellowish white. No stool to-day and appetite fair.
Wednesday, June 10, 1896.--While I rested somewhat better than nights
previous, yet was awake considerable part of the night. Had two dreams;
one of dead rats mashed to a pulp; the other of coition, causing an
emission. When I awoke this morning, felt a raw feeling in throat, which
continued throughout the day; though not quite as bad as when I arose.
Sneezed some, too, to-day; head partially stopped up toward night. About
an hour or two after dinner, which I ate with a relish, a sick sensation
came over me, a dull heavy feeling in forehead accompanied with a
nauseous and dizzy feeling; could hardly pull one foot after the other
on my way home from work; but after being a little while in the open air
and walking, feeling subsided some, and when I reached home felt much
better; and after supper had entirely left me; though when I retired
that night I felt as though I had been doing a very hard day's work and
was glad when my body touched the bed. Stool very scanty to-day; appears
difficult to do anything; seems to be quite some gas.
Thursday, June 11, 1896.--Awoke very tired; sleep disturbed
considerably; could not rest in any position. Raw feeling in throat
still this morning, with a frequent desire to clear; a feeling as though
something lodged there and should come out. Stool to-day, but scant. A
dull ache in region of heart felt in afternoon. Feel tired and drowsy.
All ambition seems to have left me. Appetite very good to-day.
Friday, June 12, 1896.--Feel very well this morning and slept fairly
well during the night, though was awake a few times. To-day marks the
first appearance of eruptions; one on the right wrist, the other on
right side of chin; small pustules; in one case blind, all others
forming pus.
Saturday, June 13, 1896.--Experienced another restless night. Another
pustule has appeared on chin and also ringworm on forehead (right side);
feel very well to-day.
Sunday, June 14, 1896.--Slept fairly well during night. Experienced
nothing particular excepting toward night an awful uneasy feeling came
over me; a feeling that something terrible was going to happen.
Monday, June 16, 1896.--Awoke very tired this morning; have a cough,
with a feeling as though something heavy was lying upon my chest and
Wednesday, June 17, 1896.--Slept pretty well during night; feel very
languid and tired; a feeling as though my legs were unable to bear me
Sunday, June 28, 1896.--Toward evening felt very tired and drowsy with
heavy sensation in head; about 9:30 lay down upon the lounge and dropped
off into a doze; awoke a half hour afterwards with a feeling as though I
wanted to vomit, and chills, which continued for an hour when I vomited,
which seemed to relieve me some, after which fever took the place of the
chill which abated some toward morning.
Monday, June 29, 1896.--Managed to get to my business, but was unable to
do anything all day on account of the weak feeling and a violent
pressing headache in forehead, which continued all day; worse on motion
and on stooping felt as though everything would come out. About 5 P.M.
diarrhoea set in which continued all night, every half hour to an
hour, the same the day following and continued right up to Sunday night,
July 5th. Lost in that time six pounds.