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Chlorosis Green Sickness

Sources: A Newly Discovered System Of Electrical Medication

This is a disease mostly or entirely peculiar to young women who have

not menstruated, and disappears on the establishment of the monthly


Take the A D current. If any symptoms exist of an effort of nature to

bring on the menses, note the time of them, and regard it, in the

treatment, as the proper monthly period. If no symptoms of such a period

are perceptible, the practitioner must fix upon a ti
e for it, and

regard it accordingly. About four to six days before the periodic time,

commence to treat as follows, using a moderate force: Insert the

uterine electrode, N. P., wet in warm water, per vagina, until it meets

the uterus; and manipulate with P. P. over the dorsal and first two

lumbar vertebrae, and more or less over the back on both sides of the

spinal column, some six or eight minutes daily, down to the period fixed

upon for the catamenia to appear. If they do not start, let the patient

rest for some four or five days, and then begin with general tonic

treatment. (See page 95.) Continue this, three times a week, until

within a little less than a week of the periodic time, when the same

treatment with the uterine electrode as was at first employed should be

resumed, and again be continued to the time assigned for the menses. If

no success should appear, return, after a few days, to general tonic

treatment as before. Let these forms of treatment be prosecuted until

success crowns the effort. Ordinarily, not many months--perhaps not more

than one or two months--will be required; especially, if the treatment

be aided, on the part of the patient, by a good degree of moderate

exercise in the open air, and a free, nourishing diet.

