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Sources: A Manual Of Peroral Endoscopy And Laryngeal Surgery

Direct laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy and gastroscopy

are procedures in which the lower air and food passages are

inspected and treated by the aid of electrically lighted tubes

which serve as specula to manipulate obstructing tissues out of the

way and to bring others into the line of direct vision.

Illumination is supplied by a small tungsten-filamented, electric,

cold lamp situated at the distal extremity
f the instrument in a

special groove which protects it from any possible injury during the

introduction of instruments through the tube. The bronchi and the

esophagus will not allow dilatation beyond their normal caliber;

therefore, it is necessary to have tubes of the sizes to fit

these passages at various developmental ages. Rupture or even

over-distention of a bronchus or of the thoracic esophagus is almost

invariably fatal. The armamentarium of the endoscopist must be

complete, for it is rarely possible to substitute, or to improvise

makeshifts, while the bronchoscope is in situ. Furthermore, the

instruments must be of the proper model and well made; otherwise

difficulties and dangers will attend attempts to see them.

