Of Whitlow
Application Of The Lunar
Caustic In The Cure Of Certain Wounds And Ulcers
The lunar caustic is very useful in the treatment of this painful
affection. Patients seldom apply to the surgeon before suppuration has
taken place. It is then, I think, the best plan to open the abscess
freely, to apply the caustic well within the cavity, and then to
envelope the part by the cold poultice and lotion. In this manner the
pain and irritation are almost immediately removed, after the smart of
the caustic
has subsided. A second application is seldom necessary.
In some cases, however, there is an increase of inflammation in a day
or two, which requires the caustic to be again applied. When the
inflammation has subsided, the loose cuticle may be removed, and the
caustic must be applied to form an eschar.
In slight cases the lunar caustic may be passed over the inflamed
part, and in this manner suppuration and the continuance of
inflammation is often prevented.
In those cases in which the suppuration is artificial and attended
with severe diffused inflammation, the pus should be evacuated and a
cold poultice applied for a day or two; for the too early application
of the caustic would only add to this kind of inflammation; see p. 11;
afterwards the skin may be removed, and if there be excoriations the
caustic may be lightly applied.