Painful Menstruation
The Analysis of Disease States: Helping the Body Recover
How And When To Be Your Own Doctor
Elsie was twenty. She came to see me because I had helped Elsie's
mother overcome breast cancer many years earlier. Elsie began to
have very painful periods with profuse bleeding and abdominal pain.
Her nutrition had been generally good because her mother couldn't
survive on the average American diet and had long ago converted her
family to vegetarianism. And like her mother, Elsie had been taking
vitamins for many yea
A medical doctor diagnosed Elsie as having endometriosis, meaning,
the lining of her uterus had migrated to the fallopian tubes, where
it continued to bleed regularly into the abdominal cavity, following
the same hormonal cycle as the endometritial tissue that lines the
uterus. The doctor offered to try hormonal manipulation and if this
proved unsuccessful, offered a hysterectomy. That would certainly
eliminate the symptoms!
But Elsie did not wish to eliminate her ability to have children and
preferred not to risk throwing her hormones off balance. So she came
to me. My analysis showed that she had weak ovaries and weak uterus.
These were secondary to a toxic colon, toxic because she had a weak
gall bladder and weak pancreas that reduced her digestive capacity
and turned her improperly combined Organic, vegetarian legume-rich
diet into toxemia. Checking her foods for allergies I discovered the
normal pattern: Elsie was intolerant to dairy, wheat, eggs, corn,
soy and concentrated sugars.
Being no stranger to fasting (her mother had fasted at length ten
years previously) Elsie undertook a 30 day cleanse on vegetable
juice with daily enemas, taking vitamins in powdered form. After the
fast I put her on protomorphogens for her reproductive organs and
pancreas. The gall bladder had healed by itself during fasting--gall
bladders usually heal easily. Her maintenance diet included using
pancreatic enzyme supplements when eating vegetable proteins and
Elsie eliminated most fats so her gall bladder would not be
stressed. The fasting also overcame her allergic reactions to corn
and wheat but she was still unable to handle soy products, eggs or
dairy. After six months Elsie no longer needed protomorphogens, had
no abdominal pain and her periods were normal.
You may well be wondering how or why detoxification of the bowels
allowed the body to repair the uterus. The large intestine is a sort
of nest that cradles the reproductive organs, including the ovaries,
uterus, and in the case of the male, the prostate gland. A toxic
colon is like having one rotten apple in a basket, it contaminates
the whole batch. Many problems in the abdominal area are caused by a
toxic colon, including chronic back pain, ovarian cysts,
infertility, birth abnormalities, bladder infections and bladder
cancer, painful menstruation, fibroids and other benign growths as
well as malignant ones, and prostatitis or prostate cancer. Detoxing
the body and cleaning out the colon should be a part of the healing
of all of these conditions.