Painful Urination Incontinence Of Urine
An Epitome Of Homeopathic Healing Art
_Involuntary Urination._
Where the discharge of urine produces smarting and burning of the
urethra, _Cantharis_ is the remedy. Where there seems to be an over
secretion of acrid urine, producing inflammation of the neck of the
bladder, known by pain in the glans penis, _Copaiva_, and _Apis mel._
are the remedies. If there appears to be a partial palsy of the neck of
the bladder, the discharge taking place
in sleep, _Podophyllin_ is the
surest remedy. I have cured some bad cases by the use of these three
remedies, given in rotation three or four hours apart.
Injections of a solution of borax into the bladder, have, in several
cases, been sufficient to effect a perfect cure, without any other
remedy. This may be used in connection with the other remedies. For
painful urination with a distressed feeling in the neck of the bladder,
causing a constant disposition to evacuate urine, the _Althoea
Officinalis_ is a certain remedy; it acts like a charm. It is an
important remedy for inflammation of the bladder. A good mode of using
it is in form of a warm infusion in doses of a table spoonful every half
hour or hour, according to the urgency of the symptoms. The _Althoea
Rosa_ (Hollyhock) may be used as a substitute, though it is not as good.
Every family should cultivate the _Althoea Officinalis_ (Marsh
Mallow), so that the fresh green root, which is the best, can be
procured at any time. I have been able to relieve patients with it,
especially females, when all other remedies seemed unavailing. It is
particularly useful for urinary difficulties of pregnant females.