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Accidents Emergencies And Poiso
A Broken Jaw
Take a strong piece of muslin, long enough to reach around the neck and eight inches longer. Split this through the center to within about seven inches of the center of the band. Put this unsplit part above, over and under the chin. Tie the upper tails ...
ACONITE. Symptoms
Sudden collapse; slow, feeble, irregular pulse, and breathing; tickling in the mouth and the extremities, giddiness, great muscular weakness; pupils generally dilated, may be contracted; mind is clear. Antidotes: Solution of tannic acid, twenty drops...
ALCOHOL. Symptoms
Stupid, confused, giddy, staggers, drowsy, but can be aroused; full pulse, deep snoring, respiration, injected eyes, dilated pupils, low temperature. Emetics. Strong hot coffee, inhale amyl nitrite; hot and cold douches. ...
AMMONIA. Symptoms
Intense inflammation of the stomach and bowels, often with bloody vomiting and purging; lips and tongue swollen; violent difficulty in breathing; characteristic odor. Antidotes. Lemon juice and water, vinegar and water half and half. Treatment. Mil...
ANTIMONY. Symptoms
Metallic taste, violent vomiting, becoming bloody, feeble pulse; pain and burning in the stomach. Violent watery purging, becoming bloody; cramps in the extremities, thirst, great weakness; sometimes prostration, collapse, unconsciousness. Antidotes....
ARSENIC, Symptoms
Violent burning in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, retching, thirst, purging of blood and mucus, suppressed urine, cramps in the legs, intense thirst, collapse. Antidotes. Jeaunel's antidote. Treatment. Emetics freely, mustard water, salt and war...
ARSENICAL POISONING, Chronic Cases, Causes
Inhaling arsenic from dyes, in wall-paper, carpet, etc, Taking it in by the mouth in handling dyed paper, artificial flowers, etc., and in many fabrics employed as clothing. The glazed green and red papers used in the kindergartens also contain arsenic...
ATROPINE. Symptoms
Flushed face, red eyes, throbbing head, pulse fast, dizzy, staggering, hot and dry throat, dilated pupils, scarlet rash on the skin. Patient may be delirious and wildly so. Antidotes. Tannic acid, twenty drops in glass of water. Emetics to produce vo...
Cases have been reported where typhoid fever has been contracted by bathing in streams below cities and villages. Probably this occurred through accidentally or carelessly taking the infected water into the mouth. No person should bathe in an ordinary ...
Flushed face, red eyes, throbbing head, pulse fast, dizzy, staggering, hot and dry throat, dilated pupils, scarlet rash on the skin. Patient may be delirious and wildly so. Antidotes. Tannic acid, twenty drops in glass of water, Treatment. Emetics ...
BLUE STONE. Symptoms
Vomiting and purging, taste of metal, severe pains, dizziness and headache and sometimes insensibility. Treatment. Emetics such as mustard water, warm salt water, goose grease, vaselin, etc. Then white of eggs, followed by milk and soothing drinks, f...
Vomiting and purging, taste of metal, severe pains, dizziness and headache and sometimes insensibility. Antidote. Jeaunel's antidote. Treatment. Emetics such as mustard water, warm salt water, goose grease, vaselin, etc., then white of eggs, fol...
Broken Nose
Put the parts in place by pressure and moulding. It is easily done. Do not hurry. Put a strip of adhesive plaster across the bridge of the nose over the break reaching to the cheek. If the injury causes bleeding, the wound should be washed with clean ...
Broken Ribs
Put on a towel, about eight to twelve inches wide. This should go around the body and be pinned tightly; or, if you have a roll of adhesive plaster, two and one-half to three inches wide, use this. Start at the backbone, at the lowest point necessary, a...
Bums from Alkali (like potash or strong ammonia)
Vinegar poured over the part, or dress with a mild solution of boric acid. One teaspoonful to four ounces of water. MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Bruises, Cold Water Prevents Coloring. "Bathe the parts in cold water, prevents turning black and blue." ...
Burns from Acid
Soda, chalk, whiting, sprinkled over the surface of the skin and covered with moist coverings of gauze. Egg albumen is also good applied, on the part. ...
A Burn is caused by dry heat. A Scald is caused by moist heat. A superficial burn, upon a young child, that involves the third of the body will almost certainly prove fatal, while a very deep burn, provided it is localized, may not be so seriou...
Immediately burning pain from mouth to stomach; giddiness, loss of consciousness, collapse, partial suppression of the urine; characteristic odor and white color of lips, etc. Antidotes. Epsom salts or glaubers salts, and water very freely to drink; ...
CHEESE, Spoiled. Symptoms
Vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, weakness, cold hands and feet. Treatment. Emetics, such as warm water and salt until patient vomits freely; or mustard water, lard, vaselin, tickle throat with feather, etc. Enema to empty lower bowel; stimulants, such as ...
CHLORAL. Symptoms
Deep sleep, livid look, pulse weak, breathing slow, pupils contracted during sleep, but dilated when awake, temperature low. Antidotes. Permanganate of potash, four to five grains every half hour. Treatment. Emetics at first, if seen early, such as ...
CHOKING. (Foreign bodies in the larynx)
Produce vomiting. Give an emetic, warm water, melted lard, vaselin or one teaspoonful of mustard in one-half glass of warm water and drink. Tickle the throat with your finger or a feather. For a child, sometimes by taking hold of the feet with the head...
1. Place the patient flat on his back. 2. Raise the feet and lower his head, unless blueness of the face occurs. 3. Make the patient warm by applying warm coverings and hot water bottles, bricks or wood. 4. Enema of strong coffee. 5. If necess...
COPPER. Symptoms
Intense corrosion of the mouth and stomach, bleeding and cramps in the bowels. Treatment. Emetics. Mustard water, warm salt water, lard, vaselin, etc. Then milk and eggs, black coffee enema. ...
Burning heat in stomach and bowels, vomiting, diarrhea, with bloody stools, tongue white, shriveled: suppressed urine, gums sore, salivation. Antidote. Milk or white of eggs; one egg for four grains of drug; milk, flour paste. Treatment. Cause vom...
They are named cut (incised); contused, such as made by a blunt instrument. Lacerated or torn, when the tissues are torn or ragged. Punctured, stab-wounds, when made by a pointed instrument. Treatment. There may be pain, gaping (opening) of the e...
Flushed face, red eyes, throbbing head, pulse fast, dizzy, staggering, hot and dry throat, dilated pupils, scarlet rash on the skin. Patient may be delirious and wildly so. Antidotes. Tannic acid, twenty drops in glass of water. Emetics to produce...
It is not possible to close the mouth. The chin is too far forward. The jaw may turn toward the other side in one-sided dislocation. Treatment. Hold something hard between the teeth in front so that when the jaw snaps in place your thumbs will not...
A dislocation is the putting out of joint some bone, such as the elbow or shoulder bone or bones. The bone has slipped out of its socket. They are called after the joints involved. General Causes. Blows, sudden contraction of the muscles; also due to ...
DOG BITES (Not Rabid)
Treat the same as for any torn wound, wash out thoroughly with hot water and an ounce of salt in a pint of water. There is no danger of hydrophobia from the bite of a dog, cat or any animal unless that animal has hydrophobia. No one can take hydrophobia...
In suffocation by smoke or any poisonous gas, as also by hanging if the neck is not broken, and in suspended breathing from effects of chloroform, hydrate of chloral, or electric shock, remove all obstructions to breathing, instantly loosen or cut apart...
Place the patient on her back, with the head low and feet raised unless the face is flushed. The face is generally pale. Loosen the clothing about the waist, throat, etc. Plenty of air and no crowding around the patient. ACCIDENTS AND POISO...
If one has had a severe fall and is wholly or partially conscious, move as little as possible, in case of broken bones. Remain in a comfortable position until proper aid can be given. If unconscious stimulation may be necessary. ...
If the joint is dislocated forward pull the front part forward and backward. If it is dislocated backwards, pull the front part of the finger forward and upward. If reduced immediately this needs no bandaging. ...
FIRE in Clothing
Keep quiet, and away from a draught. Wrap anything handy around him and roll him. Leave only the head and face uncovered. Keep mouth closed. ...
FITS. (Convulsions)
Loosen all clothing. Put something hard between the teeth to keep the patient from biting his tongue. Allow plenty of sleep afterward. ...
For a Broken Collar Bone
Place the patient on his back if he is to be moved and put a firm pad in the arm pit and bind the arm to the side with the forearm across the chest; or if you have a roll of adhesive plaster two or three inches wide, after putting a pad in the arm pit (...
For a Broken Leg
Pull on the foot gently to make slight extension, and lift the leg on a pillow or some sort of pad, and tie this firmly about the leg; or broad strips of wood may be padded and placed on either side of the broken leg and securely tied. ...
For a Broken Thigh, Upper Leg
The splint should extend from under the arm to the ankle, padded and bound to the body and to the leg by means of long towels or pieces of sheeting applied six inches apart. If the patient is in a wagon and no splint can be had, bags of dirt or sand app...
For the Arm
Put on two padded splints from the shoulder to the elbow, one in front and the one behind, and bind on at the bottom and top. Then place the forearm on the chest pointing to the well or sound shoulder and bind the arm with bandages or a long towel to th...
For the Forearm
Two padded splints three to four inches wide and long enough to take in the hand also should be applied, one to the thumb, and the other to the back of the forearm, slight extension being made by pulling on the patient's hand. This pulls the broken end ...
Violent burning in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, retching, thirst, purging of blood and mucus, suppressed urine, cramps in the legs, intense thirst, collapse. Antidote. Jeaunel's antidote. Treatment. Emetics freely, mustard water, salt and warm...
They are simply broken bones or cartilage, usually applied popularly to a broken bone. Varieties. Simple fracture means a break of the bone only. Compound fracture is where the broken bone sticks out through the skin. ACCIDENTS AND POISONS ...
Pain and burning in the bowels, vomiting and diarrhea, slow weak pulse, pupils dilated usually. Treatment. Emetics, such as mustard water, warm salt water, goose grease, vaselin, etc.; stimulants, strong coffee, brandy, whisky. Keep patient quiet and...
Make a board raft, ten or twelve feet square. Cut a round hole in the center, eight or ten inches in diameter. Lie down on the raft with the face over the hole, covering the head with a coat or shawl, to exclude the light. By this contrivance the rays o...
To keep from drowning it is advisable, but not necessary, to know how to swim. The human body in the water weighs little more than a pound; so that one finger placed upon a piece of board, an oar or a paddle, will easily keep the head above water, and t...
How to Take Hold of a Broken Leg or Arm
Never take hold of it from above, but slip the hands underneath, and then take a firm but gentle hold at two points a short distance from the break on each side, and all the while making slight extension with the hand on the end part (distal part) so a...
The stomach and bowels are irritated and inflamed, the mouth may burn and bleed; swallowing is difficult; "coffee grounds" vomiting.; pulse feeble, clammy skin. Treatment. Usually the first thing to do is to give an emetic. Send for a doctor and give...
Pressure from improperly fitting shoes, or a wrong way of cutting the nails. The flesh along the nails becomes inflamed. Toe-nails should be cut straight across, and not trimmed too closely at the corners. Treatment. Wear broad-toed shoes with low he...
IODINE. Symptoms
Pain in throat and stomach, vomiting is yellow from the iodine, or blue if starch is in the stomach; color and odor of iodine on lips and in mouth. Antidote. Starch or flour mixed into a paste with water, should be given and followed by emetics. T...
LAUDANUM. Symptoms
Excitement at first, soon weariness weighty limbs, sleepiness, pin-point pupils, pulse and breathing slow and strong, patient roused with difficulty and later it is impossible, snoring breathing. Treatment. This is a dangerous poison. A stomach pum...
LYE. Symptoms
Intense inflammation of the stomach and bowels, often with bloody vomiting and purging; lips and tongue swollen; violent difficulty in breathing; characteristic odor. Antidotes. Lemon juice and water; vinegar and water, half and half. Treatment. Mi...
Burning heat in stomach and bowels, vomiting, diarrhea, with bloody stools, tongue white, shriveled, suppressed urine, gums sore, salivation. Antidote. Milk or white of eggs; one egg for four grains of drug, flour paste. Treatment. Cause vomiting ...
MORPHINE. Symptoms
Excitement at first, soon weariness, weighty limbs, sleepiness, pin-point pupils, pulse and breathing slow and strong; patient roused with difficulty and later it is impossible; snoring breathing. Treatment. This is a dangerous poison. A stomach pump ...
The stomach and bowels are irritated and inflamed, the mouth may burn and bleed; swallowing is difficult. "Coffee grounds" vomiting. Pulse feeble, clammy skin. ...
NUX VOMICA. Symptoms
Appear quickly. Terrible convulsions, in paroxysms, devilish grin, the body is curved backward, jaw set. Treatment. Cause vomiting with warm salt water, warm mustard water, lard, vaselin, etc.; sixty grains of bromide of potash and thirty grains of c...
OPIUM. Symptoms
Excitement at first, soon weariness, weighty limbs, sleepiness, pin-point pupils, pulse and breathing slow and strong, patient roused with difficulty and later it is impossible, snoring breathing. Treatment. This is a dangerous poison. A stomach pump ...
Hot acrid taste; burning, vomiting, collapse, numb and stupid. Antidotes. Lime or chalk. Treatment. Medicines, soothing drinks, flaxseed tea, etc. ...
This should be of cotton. In case of necessity, handkerchiefs, towels, pieces of muslin, cloths; hay or grass can be used temporarily. ...
Excitement at first, soon weariness, weighty limbs, sleepiness, pin-point pupils, pulse and breathing slow and strong, patient roused with difficulty and later it is impossible, snoring breathing. Treatment. This is a dangerous poison. A stomach pump ...
Violent burning in the stomach, nausea, and vomiting, retching, thirst, purging of blood and mucus, suppressed urine, cramps in the legs, intense thirst, collapse. Antidotes. Jeaunel's antidote. Treatment. Emetics freely, mustard water, warm sal...
Vomiting and pain, the vomit may be luminous in the dark, characteristic odor, after several days deep jaundice, blood in vomited matter and bloody stools, pulse is rapid and weak. Treatment. Emetics to cause vomiting such as warm salt water, warm m...
Remove the sting in the wound. Diluted vinegar applied to the bites is sometimes of help. Camphor is also good. ...
Vomiting, terrible weakness. Treatment. Emetics such as warm mustard water, warm salt water, goose grease, vaselin, lard, etc.; strong coffee, brandy; heat to extremities, artificial respiration. ...
Intense inflammation of the stomach and bowels, often with bloody vomiting and purging; lips and tongue swollen; violent difficulty in breathing; characteristic odor. Antidotes. Lemon juice and water, vinegar and water half and half. Treatment. Mil...
Punctured Wounds
From a sharp pointed instrument, nail, etc. The first thing to do is to cleanse the wound thoroughly with hot water and about one-half ounce of salt to a pint of water. Keep this up constantly for one-half hour. Then if it is from a nail, put on a bread...
Violent burning in stomach, nausea, and vomiting, retching, thirst, purging of blood and mucus, Suppressed urine, cramps in legs, intense thirst, collapse. Antidote. Jeannel's antidote. Treatment. Emetics freely such as warm mustard water, warm sal...
Rusty Nail Wound, Simple Guard Against Serious Results from
"Every little while we read of someone who has run a rusty nail in his foot or some other part of his person, and lockjaw has resulted therefrom. All such wounds can be healed without any fatal consequences following them. It is only necessary to smoke...
Intense inflammation of the stomach and bowels, often with bloody vomiting and purging; lips and tongue swollen; violent difficulty in breathing; characteristic odor. Antidotes. Lemon juice and water, vinegar and water half and half. Treatment. Mil...
SANTONIN. Symptoms
Object looks blue, then yellow, ringing ears, dizziness. Treatment. Emetics such as warm mustard water, warm salt water, goose grease, lard, etc.; stimulants, brandy, strong coffee. ...
Schaefer Method of Effecting Artificial Respiration In Case of Drowning
After an investigation and comparison of the different methods of artificial respiration, Schaefer suggests one which is by far the simplest and easiest and at the same time one of the most effective and least injurious to the patient. In describing i...
There is a depression of the skin over the cavity. The shoulder is flattened. The bone of the arm points to where the head of the bone is. Treatment. Carry the elbow to the side with the forearm at right angles to the arm: turn the arm around until t...
Snake Bite
Naturalists have discovered twenty-seven species of poisonous serpents and one poisonous lizard; eighteen species of these are true rattlesnakes; the remaining nine are divided between varieties of the moccasin, copperhead or the viper. The poisonous li...
In emergencies splints can be made from shingles, pasteboards or even bark. ...
Vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, weakness, cold hands and feet. Treatment. Emetics such as warm salt water until patient vomits freely; or mustard water, lard, goose grease, vaselin, tickle throat with feather, etc. ...
Sprains or wrenches of the joints are caused by a twist or a blow. The injury consists in the tear or rupture of a number of the fibres of the ligaments. Symptoms. Severe pain, the joint is practically useless for a time; swelling, heat and later the...
1. Leaves of Geranium Good for Bee or Wasp. "Bruise the leaves of geranium and bind on the affected part. This has proved an excellent, though simple remedy." 2. Stings, Simple Remedy for. "Take a dresser key or any with a good sized hole and press o...
Appear quickly. Terrible convulsions, in paroxysms, devilish grin, the body is curved backward, jaw set. Treatment. Cause vomiting, with warm salt water, warm mustard water, lard, vaselin, etc.; sixty grains of bromide of potash and thirty grains of ...
The stomach and bowels are irritated and inflamed, the mouth may burn and bleed; swallowing is difficult. "Coffee grounds" vomiting. Pulse feeble, clammy skin. Treatment. Usually the first thing to do is to give an emetic. Send for a doctor and give ...
Symptoms of a Snake Bite
The symptoms are similar in bites of poisonous snakes. Pain in the wound, slight at first, but becoming more severe, with rapid swelling and spotted discoloration in the vicinity of the wound. Symptoms of heart and lung depression soon show themselves b...
Metallic taste, violent vomiting, becoming bloody, feeble pulse; pain and burning in the stomach. Violent watery purging, becoming bloody; cramps in the extremities, thirst, great weakness; sometimes prostration, collapse, unconsciousness. Antidotes....
THINGS IN THE EAR; Buttons, Beads, etc
The bent hairpin is good to use for removing these objects, unless it is too far in. Sometimes the object can be washed out with a stream of water. This will kill and destroy insects. A small stream from a pitcher will do, if there is no fountain syrin...
THINGS IN THE NOSE. Corn, Peas, Beans, Buttons, etc
Children frequently get such things in their nose and also ears. They should be removed soon and then there will be no harm done. They have been known to remain for years, and they have been the cause of catarrh. A small curved hair-pin makes a good in...
First: Lose no time in recovering the body from the water. Always try to restore life; for while ten minutes under the water is usually the limit, still persons have been resuscitated after being under water for thirty or forty minutes. Do not lose time...
TOBACCO. Symptoms
Vomiting, terrible weakness. Treatment. Emetics, such as warm salt water, warm mustard water, goose grease, lard, vaselin, etc.; then stimulants such as strong, coffee, brandy; heat to extremities, artificial respiration. ...
The one action of first importance in the treatment of the drowned, the suffocated or the electrically shocked is to restore breathing. This must be done by expelling from the lungs the poison or water which has caused the trouble, and by establishing...
Metallic taste, violent vomiting, becoming bloody, feeble pulse; pain and burning in the stomach. Violent watery purging, becoming bloody; cramps in the extremities, thirst, great weakness; sometimes prostration, collapse, unconsciousness. Antidotes....